“The Journey is The Reward” I say again
So enjoy it while it lasts
Each day is such a treasure
So don’t let one moment pass
Don’t think of this as the ‘hard’ stuff
with the ‘good’ stuff as yet to come
Each day is the ‘stuff’ dreams are made of
Especially when you’re a mom!
I’ve heard it said, “It’s just a phase.
Don’t worry it will pass.”
But now I think, “It’s just a phase
And I sure hope that it lasts!”
Don’t get me wrong I am not sad
Adulthood is the goal!
Responsible and independent
Loving God with all their soul.
This “journey” that I speak of
Is not just your life on this earth
But the journey of a childhood
That begins the moment of birth
So I write about academics
And why they must be taught
And of course about socialization
And what an issue it’s not
But what the words within these pages
Will inspire you I pray
To not miss out on your reward
As you journey through your today